The Sprit is a masked avenger who has an absolute hard-on for the city he protects, no really, I think he would like to lay that city down by the fire and make sweet love to it all night. But since he can’t, he spends his time flipping and jumping around the city in his red tie and Chucks looking for his arch nemesis, the Octopus, who has eight of nothing, so his name makes little sense. Neither the Spirit or Octopus can be killed due to some Ju-Ju Octopus injected into both of them which will become permanent, if only Octopus could get his hands on some blood of Heracles.
Funny thing is, some blood of Heracles has been found and Octopus buys it, only problem is that it is in a case that is tied to another case that holds the Golden Fleece. The case that holds the Fleece was bought by Sand Saref who loves all things sparkly, and since her dad the cop was killed when she was a child, she turned her back on cops, the city and Denny her sweetheart who would grow up to be none other than the Spirit. Sand and Octopus go to pick up the boxes when a fight breaks out between Spirit and Octopus. Sand flees, but not before taking the wrong case of course.
The rest of the movie is about them switching the boxes back…I think. And there were some rather interesting costume changes for the Octopus, including a samurai and a Nazi soldier. The rest of the movie is too boring to recall. And with a 14% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, I don’t believe that I am wrong in my utter contempt for this movie.

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