Last night my boyfriend and I braved the D.C. metro to wander into the city for a night on the town. Not really a night on the town exactly, we were meeting a friend of his and then friends of his friend at the E Street theatre to watch our dose of indie culture, you know, so that we can tell people with certainty that we not only are smarter than them, but better too. We get our tickets for the movie, did I mention I had no idea that we were going to see? We take our seat in what was quite possibly the worlds smallest theatre room.
Born into Brothels was to be our viewing pleasure. At first I was a bit apprehensive about seeing a documentary since they usually bore holes in my head till my brain leaks out. I see now why it won and was nominated for a zillion awards, it was not so much about the brothels in the red light district of Calcutta, but about the children of the many many many prostitutes who apparently just line up along the streets and wait. These children were given lessons in photography, so that they may see the world with new eyes. Let me just tell you that this was the most beautiful movie I have seen in a long time. I myself graduated with a degree in photography (do you hear the horn that I am now tooting?) so I suppose this really was my kind of film. The photographs these children took are remarkable and rival many photographs by renound artists. I strongly suggest this movie to people who want to become pompus indie film whores like myself. I broke down and even purchased the coffee table book
Kids With Cameras 
you can never have too many coffee table books in my opinion. You can see many of these photographs at
Kids With Cameras just click on the gallery to see their images or just find out more about their mission (not like
creepy cult mission.) Then later that night we ate. The end.