Long story short, my sister had brain surgery this morning at around 7:30 am. This was for a cyst that was growing in her brain that "Could" be the culprit causing her chronic vertigo. This has been a problem for her since late 2005. and after a year and a half of specialists, this was her last resort.
Upon hearing that she was being opened, I proceeded to drive a million and 4 miles from Boston To Washington D.C. the unfortunate thing is that I have to do the drive again. The other thing is that I have taken this trip alone. Will is home with the animals and I can't tell you how much I miss them. But my sister is important and I had ot be here with her.
She is well, in a lot of pain, but her humor is still there.

Lindsey, waiting to be admitted. She has been on some drug to counteract the vertigo. The side affect is that she barely graces 100lbs, she is nothing but skin and bones. She could be Nicole Richie's twin.

I sat with her pre-op for a few hours while various doctors popped in to explain things and insert things.

This is where we parted ways when she went into the O.R.
The operation lasted a couple of hours, they drilled into her skull right behind the right ear and cut the cyst in half. removing would have been too risky, but the chance of it regrowing now is slim to none.
First images after leaving the O.R. and sent to recovery while waiting for a room in the ICU to open.

There were no complications and we hope her recovery is speady.