I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Apr 24, 2009

the good, the bad, THE UGLY

Today I took myself out to lunch, I went to the local Brueggers Bagel joint to get a sandwich and decided to eat there. I choose a table by the window since I would rather stare at the passers by than focus on the fact that I am alone and I am sans iPod, laptop, game console or book. So I watch a couple of women on their smoke break. One of them is a thin brunette in her forties, the other a woman in her sixties with short bleached hair who looked like she still shops in the Juniors sections of department stores.

I spend my time glancing at them and watching people walk by, when I get to the end of my meal and I am just finishing off the potato chips when I glance up and I am greeted to the sight of a naked woman's lower half. For some reason unknown to me, the older woman with the fried hair decided to drop trou in front of her friends, I assume to show them that she still has all her parts, and stand by the parking lot on the side walk of a strip mall.

Then calmly, as though this sort of thing happened every day, she pulls her pants up, tucks in her shirt, picks up her bag and walks away with her friend back to work.

I sat there staring at the place she once stood wondering why she didn't put on any underpants this morning.

4 important opinions:

Irond Will said...

Man West Roxbury is freaky!

Frankie Pancakes said...

Tell me about it! What's freakier is that she had the bits of an eighty year old. How is that possible?

Irond Will said...

So... uh... how do you know what the bits of an eighty year old look like?

Frankie Pancakes said...

Wouldn't you like to know.