I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Dec 31, 2005

A belated Christmas special

I'm a little slow on the uptake, I should have posted images from my trip to Maine for Christmas AGES ago. But due to the overwhelming feeling of not really giving a damn about the birth of "Jesus" I didn't. It's always better to arrive fashionably late, you may miss the best finger food, but you get closer to the time the whole thing is over with. So if you will just bear with me a bit, I will show you the breathtaking breathtakingness of Maine, Our forgotten state.

My mother spends most of her time in Virginia, and the rest of that in Maine where she bought a house from her brother. The good daughter that I am, I chose to spend this years holiday with her. And I didn't take any images of the actual Christmas celebration going down, but I did take images of my family's back yard, where we took our dog for the best walk of his life.

akira in snow

My Grandfather created a Christmas tree farm. That's right, a Christmas tree farm. And during the summers I would work there for my uncle who now owns the business. People, they do not grow in that shape, it takes dedicated people such as myself and the promise of $.60 an hour to wield a machete and sheer them into that shape. Better than therapy. I loved working there, wouldn't do it again, but I loved it.


Lots of trees, acres and rows going on forever.


It was a creepy and foggy day, but here we have the trees. Little seedlings that from what my uncle tells me are really big with the deer population this year.

old slaughter
This is the old Slaughter house. When my grandfather owned a farm it was where they killed the chickens, they now sell you wreaths.

will trees

William on our hike. Akira dog is somewhere peeing on something.


This was the end of the world. The boundaries, if you ever get to them are just woods and nothings.

pile rocks

On our way back, we got a little lost in the white and seriously, didn't I already pass that row? Or was it that one? We came across this tower of rocks. We don't really know what it is, even after my other uncle who created it explained it. He's an artist, a painter to be exact, and a damn good one. He does mostly nature. I don't have any money, or enough to afford one of his pieces, but they are sureal and breathtaking. I would however fork over for a large print poster if they make them. He has no website yet. I googled him and here are the top 3 search results.

Alan Bray
alan.bray @manchester.ac.uk. Address. Room 6.6 Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester England ...
theory.ph.man.ac.uk/~bray/home.html - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

Knitting Circle Alan Bray
Alan Bray went to Bangor University where he took a joint degree in history and English. ... In 1970 Alan Bray joined the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) . ...
myweb.lsbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/alanbray.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Bates College | Alan Bray
A painter who studied at the Art Institute of Boston and the University of Southern Maine, Alan Bray received his master's in painting from Villa Schifanoia ...
www.bates.edu/alan-bray-painter.xml - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

I think the last one was him, but alas no images.

That pretty much sums up my trip. So I leave you with this.


Happy holidays. I'm outta here

Dec 28, 2005

Day 2 of my week without Will


Day 2 has rolled around and my chef is nowhere to be found. So what does a smart chick like me end up doing? Why go to the grocery store and discover a fast and easy way to make a curry that does not burn my tastebuds off. Enter the "Tastes of the World" isle at Shaws and premade curry.


How did it taste? Not as funny as it looks, but it is a far cry from the "Pujabi Dahba" at Inman Sq. Oh Dabah... I miss your paneer.


Please come home soon. I may starve... or fill the fridge with leftovers. And I need someone to tell me that raw cookie dough is not an entre.

If you have an SUV...

Just don't, think about the rest of us first! What are you doing with an SUV outside of the Yukon? Does it make your trip to the grocery store that much more exciting knowing you have 4 wheel drive? You drive something akin to the size of a New York apartment! Terrorists are not coming after your babies, and your Hummer will NOT do you any good when the apocalypse comes? And forget about blind spots! Hey Steve McQueen, try using your rear view mirror once in a while! They do not make you impervious to winter storms. If memory serves me right, I've only seen your so called "safety vehicles" laying in ditches along the highway. Do you see me in my little Chevy Cavalier waving to you while I CAREFULLY maneuver along the slippery terrain? Seriously folks, I say this out of concern for my own safety, my nerves can't handle knowing that you are out there... driving. And I tire of laying on the horn in order to prevent you from attempting to drive over me simply because you believe it is your right.

So I say to those sad sad soccer moms in their empty marriages who do not work outside the home, I dislike the lot of you. And I will continue waving each and every time I see you in a ditch on the side of the road.

Damn this is good therapy, and to think it is free and doesn't include a prescription.

Dec 27, 2005

Praise be my poison womb

A big sigh of relief in the knowledge that my period has not arrived due only to my disfunctional ovaries. A little know fact about me is that my girlie bits get bored and start day dreaming and therefore forget to do the things that they are supposed to do. Once, they skived for a year and a half. I'll tell you, that was a whole lot of pocket money saved since I didn't have to run out and buy feminine products every month. I can sleep easier also knowing that it really is just fat from too many potato chips that are adding a bit of jiggle to my waist line. Damn chips! If only they didn't taste so good and give me so much comfort.

I think I got pee on me.

First meal alone

So Christmas has come and gone, and so has my baby. He's coming back in a few days, he only went to Colorado to visit his family for a belated Christmas, but still I am alone. So after crying when I dropped him off at Logan, like a big fat sissy, I returned to my home alone and promptly began watching really bad TV, just because I could. Now Will is the cook in this family, and I feared that I would starve until his return, the dog sure as hell isn't going to whip me up a fine feast, but I made my first meal and thanks to the no-meat chicken from MorningStar Farms, a veg-head like me can eat a dish so fine, bet it had you fooled. It can only fool a vegetarian that it isn't real meat.


So behold my meal, my first foray into rice making (I have never made rice that I can remember, I just don't have that gene that everyone else has that allows them to know the perfect balance of rice to water.) After winging it, I made a bowl of slightly dry and not even noticeably burnt basmati. Mmmm, I tucked into that like it was a $50 gourmet meal, then put the rest in a gladware bowl and told myself that it would be lunch for tomorrow. This however to those who know me, know that I don't like to do "leftover" I think it becomes contaminated overnight. I'm not germophobic, I just don't like to eat food that has had time to... ripen. And our dog is a smart dog, he knows the difference between what is meat and what isn't. Maybe I'll keep it around to show Will, that I made a real diner alone that didn't require a microwave.