I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

May 14, 2005

Purple Rain

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
My second completely knitted doll to date. I'm thinking I should do this for a living. As you can see this is Prince from his Purple Rain cover. He was a gift to my friend Jessica since I am moving several states away and will no longer be able to join her and Suzy for OC night. I was a bit sad to part with this little guy, he turned out so well from his frilly collar and over sized lapel to his huge head of hair. I am proud of him and will gladly take orders. You can also see my other doll Joey Ramone here I wanna be knitted

May 11, 2005

Lose my number

Okay, so Friday was my last day at work. Much celebration and jumping around. But the new designer is...um...well good luck. so far he has had to call me at home no less than 4 times a day to ask me questions about such difficult things as...tabs. Oh come on! Are you kidding me? I have turned my phone off, this is just rediculous! I had to learn this crap on my own! I can not do this kids job for him, this is why he was hired, to do my job for me. I refuse to turn the phone on for fear of how many times he has called today. I don't work there, does he understand this?