Jan 16, 2009
Crap I want but don't need
Veer AKA: store for pretentious designers
Zombie Escape Plan
Christine Renee
The Government Manual for New Superheroes
Silent Hill

Silent Hill is based on Konami’s survival horror video game franchise. Each game hosts a new main character who is searching for something or someone in the eerie town of Silent Hill. Having played the video games, I was familiar with the setting, soundtrack and cast of evil characters.
The movie revolves around Rose, a young mother who’s adopted daughter is sleepwalking and calling out the name “Silent Hill”. Rose learns that Silent Hill is a small town in West Virginia where an underground coal fire has been slowly burning for several decades. Believing that the answers must lay in this mysterious town, Rose takes her daughter and makes the journey to Silent Hill. When they near the town, which has been closed off due to the health risk involved with the fires, Rose stops at a gas station for directions. It is here that we gain a new victim for Silent Hill, a Motorcycle cop that believes there is something shifty going on with the mother/daughter duo and decides to follow them. The cop pulls them over a few miles away from the station, but having seen a road sign for Silent Hill, Rose hits the gas and a midnight car chase begins. When a mysterious and dark figure crosses into the street, Rose loses control of her vehicle and crashes. She awakens to find her daughter is missing and goes into the town to find her and finds that the town has a past so tragic, that it has become a frightful alternate reality that our characters find themselves trapped in.
I don’t know if it is my obsession for horror, or the mood that this movie takes, or if it because I nearly peed myself playing the video games, that drew me into the dark realm of Silent Hill. Maybe I have no taste at all. I would especially recommend this to fans of the survival horror game genre, as this movie stayed true to the feel of the games and offered us a bit of history behind the mysterious town that has been scaring me for 10 years.

Jan 15, 2009
Daily Memory

Crap I want but don't need
Zombies only want you for your brain
Type Tees
Black cotton dress
Adventurine Lure Necklace
Realm Jewelry
The Charlie Dress
Miss Brache
Hell House

To create the “Hell House”, many weeks go into creating the scripts and casting the rolls. But where does the inspiration come from? Well it seems to me that the evils they decide to portray, are topics they appear to only have a vague impression of. They discuss the typical evils of abortion, homosexuality and suicide which are the churches staples, and then they get into the ridiculous evils of Harry Potter, fantasy roll playing games and dancing.
It becomes obvious that they are trying to write a book without doing any research on the subject matter. They accidentally draw a Star of David in spray paint believing it to be a pentagram. A five minute “discussion” about what the actual title of the popular RPG Magic: The Gathering actually is. And the DJ for the Rave (in HELL!) doesn't know what the date rape drug being used in the skit is actually called, other than "the EVIL date rape drug to send you to HELL!" And then it all becomes very depressing when you realize that the one going to hell is the girl who consumed the drug.
Then there were the tragic stories of rape, drugs, suicide, murder and the really really scary morning after pill. Their scenarios in the end are contradictions and tend to blame the victim and not the perpetrator. For example, a woman who is raped commits suicide is damned, the rapist goes on blameless and forgiven. A woman has a drunk and abusive husband, finds love through the internet (unknown if she has actually consummated her internet relationship) is going to hell for not understanding that she is merely property and must take the beatings with a "thank you, can I have some more" type attitude. And an AIDS victim who was molested by a "funny uncle" is sent to eternal damnation, for what? Being gay? Abused? No, for not accepting God, this is his punishment. Fuck that.
In conclusion, Hell House is a beautiful portrayal of the ignorance within the church and their inability to accept or forgive.Fun for the whole family.
Let's Go Celtics!
Jan 14, 2009
Daily memory
the good, THE BAD, the ugly

I think this is either a brilliant piece of marketing or just really, really creepy.
Jesus Camp

I see religion as both a power for good, and a power for evil. In Jesus camp, it shows the conscious effort of the religious evangelicals to begin to mold the minds of their future "army against evil" at a young age. A human brain does not fully finish forming until the early 20's, and therefor a child cannot make a conscious decision about matters of life. They choose what their parents choose, and display the same behavior as what they see around them, we learn language in this way.
The documentary takes place within the North Dakota summer camp for the "Kids on Fire School of Ministry" run by Becky Fischer who is a Pentecostal youth pastor. Due to the reactions of viewers of this film, the camp is now closed. Becky would preach and teach in a method similar to a basketball coach. She would film the actions of the children in church and study them at home for how susceptible they were to the preaching that was happening. The children would go into fits of crying and begin speaking in tongues. This a practice in the Pentecostal religion known also as Glossolalia, which is incoherent babble performed in a trance state and is thought of as religious ecstasy, or the workings of the Holy Spirit. Also known by me as bull shit.
The children are all home schooled to help the children "avoid" evil but is essentially to keep them away from other cultures, believes and perspectives as part of the religion, commonly known as brain washing. And they are allowed to grow rat tails, ew.
One of my issues/disagreements is the inability of the church to separate their religion from politics. This was shown in an all too memorable scene where a cardboard cut out of George W. Bush is brought out on stage for the children to pray to and lay their hands upon. He is called a "Holy Man", I assume this is not for his magnificent performance as President these last 8 years, but due to his religious beliefs.
But my main disagreement is with Fischer's emphasis on spiritual warfare. There is no gray in these teachings, it is only good and evil, and they must fight a war against all that is evil and all who they perceive to be evil. The ones who essentially are hurt, are the children, and during the movie it seems as though they are constantly being punished for actions in this world that they are not a part of, nor could they ever possibly understand at the age they are. These children look as though they are in agony, and I wonder if they even know why. Fischer is such a vile person, she has a complete understandidng of what she is doing to these children, she confesses at the end of the film that it's better to indoctrinate the "right" beliefs in children than not to at all. But what truly is right and what is wrong?
After the movie ended, I rang my mother and thanked her for the way she raised me.

Jan 13, 2009
Daily memory
the good, THE BAD, the ugly
When I think of the South, This is what my brain sees; Wolf t-shirts and American Flags.
Crap I want but don't need
Violet - Art Doll
Black Eyed Suzie
Plum Wool with Lavender Mohair Shoulder Bag
Urban Modern Teapot White with Skull Design
Urban Soule
Pineapple Express

So for the first 15 minutes, I had a feeling of dread that this was just going to be another movie where the writers expect that the antics of a few stoned characters will be enough to make us laugh. But soon enough, a plot revealed itself. Our main character Dale Denton who is a subpoena guy, is sent to serve Ted Jones, who unbeknown to him is a dealer and is the middle of a drug war with the "Asians" who are Korean by the way. While lighting up the infamous "Pineapple Express" blend outside Jones's house Dale witnesses Jones and a female cop murder an Asian man. Denton seeks refuge from Jones at his personal dealer's house, only to find that the "Pineapple Express" blend is so unique, they are the only two people to have received the samples. They go on the lam and from here the wacky antics ensue.
The movie is essentially pointless, and was nothing more than slapstick, but the cast is so good at what they do you can't help but love them. I found it to be an entertaining 90 minutes, but Pineapple Express will be filed away in my brain as something else I have watched, with only fuzzy recollections of the story to not forget it entirely.

Jan 12, 2009
Spiral in the Mystic
PATTERN: Spiral Eyelet Socks
FIBER: hand died sock yarn from Sunshine Yarns in Into the Mystic
Daily memory

When we first came up to Massachusetts for B.F.'s job interview, we stayed in a rich suburb about an hour and a half out of the city in a town called Sudbury. Who would have thought that a small, unnoticeable restaurant would have some of the best food I had ever consumed. We only went the one time and since we live too far away, have not gone since. My stomach will remember this restaurant with fond memories.
I Know Who Killed Me

It tried to be too many things all at once, Noir, Thriller & Slasher. It failed to actually capture any of these themes successfully. And the heavy handed symbolic use of blue roses went nowhere in my mind.
After watching it completely and not really knowing what just happened to the last 90 minutes of my life, I realized that it was not the worst horror movie (or movie calling itself a horror) I have ever seen. This honor is bestowed upon the American remake of One Missed Call.

the good, the bad, THE UGLY

but I suck at colouring... as you can see. i did those in PS using a mouse.
my process is simple, i unlock the image, set it to multiply, make transparent layers, and colour on the transparent ones, until I'm done painting and think it looks good enough." ~Leo
I have an update! This is SO exciting!

Crap I want but don't need
Keyhole Flats
Hydra Heart
Green Leaves, Leather Journal, Suede
Triangle Necklace
T - Narcissist Necklace - Frosted Glass Initial
Yellow Lux
Jan 11, 2009
Arsenic and Old Lace

So the dress code is out dated and technicolor has yet to be invented, it doesn't take away from the fact that this is a black comedy that could still fill a movie theater.
Cary Grant is a comedic genius that can make me swoon like no other. This is a story of a newly married confirmed bachelor who discovers a corpse in the window seat of his 2 elderly aunt's house. They then proceed to inform him that they are basically providing a service to the lonely by acting as angels of mercy. By using a concoction of poisons in their elder berry wine, they kill and bury guests and tenants of their residence. With the help of Grant's brother who believes himself to be President Roosevelt, they bury the bodies in the "Panama Canals" that Roosevelt has just dug in the basement.
Obviously chaos ensues as Grants tries to hide this from his new wife, institutionalize his brother President Roosevelt, and protect his aunts from being discovered and to prevent any future murders. When Grant's other brother, who is consistently mistaken for Boris Karloff due to the multiple facial alterations to hide his identity shows up with his partner and another corpse.
Anyway, this story has stood the test of time in my mind and the humor is still relevant. You may just find yourself enjoying this little black and white flick.

Double Date Night

And like all nights out, we ended up at our local dive bar to sing karaoke.