I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jan 10, 2009

Crap I bought but don't need

Benefit Cosmetics A Little Bit BADgal Lash Mascara

Kat Von D Holiday Lipstick in Rosary

Sephora Glitter Eyes Palette


Jan 9, 2009

Daily memory

Does anyone remember this game? Man, this game was boss!

THE GOOD, the bad, the ugly

Maureen with a Halo of Stars - original drawing
This Is All I Know

I don't know why, but there is something about this illustration that is mesmerizing.

Crap I want but don't need

Super Devil
Born Lippy

Stitched Zombie Kitty Mary Jane Shoes
Em & Sprout

Bella Knitting Handbag
Jordana Paige

the good, THE BAD, the ugly

So I am all for being a fan of something, I really am. I truely enjoyed the Twillight series, up until the 4th book was published because that one sucked. But if I was to ever walk out of the house in these kicks, I would deserve it if I happened to be punched in the face.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

We sat down last night to enjoy Zack and Miri Make a Porno by Kevin Smith. I have never been that much of a fan of Kevin Smith movies, in fact the only one I truly liked was Dogma. In fact when we started watching this movie I didn't know Kevin Smith had anything to do with it and was under the impression that it was created by the people who did Forgetting Sarah Marshall or Superbad. But after the words fuck and shit were used no less than 1,600 times in the first 15 minutes, I began to suspect that something was up. But it wasn't until Jason Mewes (aka: Jay) made his appearance that I had to smack my forehead with the dawning realization that I was in for 90 minutes of potty humor.

I curse like a sailor myself on most days that I am awake, but when profanity is used in a manor I can only liken to a 14 year old girl who cannot find another preposition other than the word "Like" to form a complete sentence, I can't help but want to slam my head in a car door. But once I was able to put my masochistic tendencies in check, I got down to finding the movie funny.

It was not a movie that was humorous or even original in any way, shape or form but the circumstances that the characters find themselves in and their attempt to get themselves out of were funny and even touching. Well, as touching as a movie about two best friends who can't pay their bills and decide to make a porno and have sex on camera to make enough money to at least turn the heat back on in their apartment only to find that after doing it on a sack of coffee beans in the storage room in the coffee shop they were using as a film studio can be.

But in the end, as predictable as the movie was and the fact that my vocabulary will never be the same, I never tire of a happy ending where love happens between the two main characters.


Jan 8, 2009

Crap I want but don't need

Sleep mask new design Breakfast at Tiffanys
Lovely Art

Modern British UK Queen Wall Clock
Naked Decor

Ants On My Cup and Saucer
Bailey Doesn't Bark

the good, the bad, THE UGLY

The enigma of what to get my boyfriend for his birthday this month is finally solved! Nothing says "I love you baby, happy birthday" like a fiery skull on a mans jock.

Daily Memory

The sad thing is, I would still wear this if I could.

Crap I bought but don't need

I think I might be going through a "zine" phase in my life. The last time I went through this, I was in college.

The Ponies

Benjamin Button

Last night we viewed The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which was based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story and directed by David Fincher. Fincher has made some of the best movies I have seen, Fight Club and Se7en. So where did this little idea come from? When did the man who did The Game, Panic Room, Alien 3 and Zodiac decide to do a touching romance?

Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 72%, I would have to agree. I thought is was visually beautiful and the effects they used to age the characters was mind blowing, but the story was a bit hollow. I was expecting there to be an answer to Benjamin's backward aging, or for him to accomplish something astounding. Instead it was a Forest Gump style story where a man ages in reverse, and we are given insight into his experiences and the people he meets along the way.

I have not read the short story, but I know enough to believe that the movie and story are two different things. I enjoyed the movie, it was better than I expected, but it was quickly forgetable due to it's sleepy pace.


Crap I want but don't need

Bubble Ring
Colleen Baran Jewellery

Caffeine Molecular Necklace
Mulecular Muse

brains...brains...me want brains!

Mediocore Clothing

This was supposed to be a gift I received on Christmas from my Boyfriend (he knows me so very well) and due to an issue with the screen printers, I did not receive it for the holiday. I believe that if I do not receive this soon, I am going to start eating brains.

American Teen

Okay, so I didn't watch this last night, I watched it around New Years, but that doesn't remove the fact that after waiting patiently to see this movie for half of the year, it did not disappoint me. My boyfriend is usually poking fun at me for watching movies about high school. I didn't enjoy high school to say the least, I was a "Hanna". The creative, awkward, insane, shy and newly moved from abroad, does not fit into rich white suburban town as well as she should. So I trudged through without really thinking too much about how much of an individual I was or how few friends I had, well I didn't think about it until it was all over.

I saw my high school in this documentary. I saw that nothing has changed aside from the cut of the clothes from when I was a student. I wonder if everyone fits into a label and can see themselves in American Teen. Or if location and affluence have a large baring on how we experience the most uncomfortable 4 years of higher learning. Documentaries are not for everyone and this movie may not be for you (the way The Wrestler was not for me.) But there was something tangible and at all moments entertaining. There were animated vignettes at random intervals to portray a particular character's mood. Once the opening credits rolled in to the tune of the Black Kids "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You" and Hanna's voice over, I was hooked. I have now watched it twice.


Crap I bought but don't need

Daisies and Bruises - zine #1

Daisies and Bruises - zine #2

Law and Order Button


I ate Pavement

Arg! We are experiencing what is called a New England Winter here in Boston. Which is just random instant freezing of any water run-off from melting snow. I fell while enjoying the pita chips I had purchased at our local Shaws Grocery store, now I have a lame right arm. But the chips were awesome!

Daily Memory

Bored as hell with 30 minutes left to go in the work day and I Google mapped my old house in St. John's Wood, London. This sign was cleaner when I was last there. After so many years, I couldn't believe that I was able to recognize all of the places we would go as kids. *sigh* memories.

THE GOOD, the bad, the ugly

I saw this as a bumper sticker last night and was really bummed that I didn't think of it first.

The Next Doctor?

THE NEXT DOCTOR WHO: Matt Smith will succeed David Tennant in the role as the Time Lord in the BBC's sci-fi series Doctor Who.
Photo: BBC

I really hope I like him

The Doctor: You know what? This is the biggest library in the universe. So where is everyone? It's silent...
Donna Noble: The library?
The Doctor: The planet. The whole planet.
Donna Noble: Maybe it's a Sunday?
The Doctor: No, I never land on Sundays. Sundays are boring.

The Wrestler

Okay, last night's movie was The Wrestler. Now I know that Mickey Rourke is up for some nomination or what have you, and he truly deserves it as he did a remarkable job with the character of a broke down, washed up, has-been pro wrestler. I only wish I enjoyed the movie. It was just so... tragic. I can't do tragic, tragic and slow I can't do. I mean, I really wanted to know how his aged life ended in this movie, but I couldn't sit there to find out. It made me uncomfortable and I assume this was the intention of the movie. I have enjoyed other movies by this director, Cube, Requiem for a Dream and Pi, all very good and engrossing movies but The Wrestler just was not for me.

SlumDog Millionaire

I find it really hard to enjoy a movie that has no car chases, nothing explodes and not a zombie is in sight, but this movie kicked ass. Okay so it's from the director of Trainspotting which was a movie/book that I was addicted to back in my college days. I knew nothing about this movie except that NPR recommended it, I honestly thought that it had something to do with crack headed drug dealers. I thoroughly enjoyed this film, and really wanted to read White Teeth or anything by Rushdie after the movie was over. I did see that this is adapted from a book and nearly picked it up last night at the Borders but couldn't bring myself to do it.

What I loved best was that it was a kind movie. It showed poverty and desperation, but it has this sweet soul about it. I highly recommend it.


Self Portrait

Crap I bought but don't need

Kelly Feathered Hair Clip

Juliet Feathered Hair Clip

Paige Feathered Hair Clip

Latish Angeline Designs