I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Apr 27, 2009

Crap I want but don't need

A Walk In the Woods Clutch
I am a sucker for silhouette screen prints
Round Trip Vintage

I only ask for two things in this world, zombies and adventure games. And pretty jewelry, and my boyfriend, but that's all I ask for, those four things.
Game Stop

2 important opinions:

Anonymous said...

you might as well keep only three things.. because this one is a lost cause.. i mean c'mon.. it's the F'n Nintendo DS...might as well be Coleco-Vision.
why dont you do a review on a real game .. hint hint "tap tap tap" "aaahhhhhhhhh"

Irond Will said...

Hey now I've had nothing but a DS up here in Greenland and let me tell you it's far better than nothing. Dark Spire has all kinds of old-school leveling up goodness.

Anyways, they basically don't make adventure games for anything but the DS anymore.