At least our old friend Vin joins us, which is remarkable with him being mentally challenged and all, and Rodriguez takes time off from her drunk driving to make an appearance as well before going back to the drunk tank. They have made quite a career for themselves in the Dominican Republic by stealing the tanks of fuel trucks. But they do it with flashy cars of course. Afraid that the heat will come down on his girl, Dom leaves Letty to kick it in some shit hole when he gets the word that she will no longer be appearing in the movie. He returns to L.A. where the rest of the cast show up. We have our old friend the cop Brian turned FBI agent and Mia, Dom’s sister and Brian’s ex.
Still hiding from the law, Dom wants revenge without showing any passion or remorse for the death of Letty which made it difficult for me to remember what his story line was. At the same time FBI Brian is trying to get a zero on a drug ring that is run by some guy named Braga. Since their stories have to cross so that tension can spill out making the characters more identifiable, Letty’s killer and Braga’s drug ring are related. To infiltrate the ring, FBI Brian gets a ricey car from impound to modify and arrives for the “who gets to smuggle the coke out of Mexico” race.
Joining the smuggling team, it is revealed that Letty was a part of the Rice-a-Roni ring as a mole for the FBI when she was killed. The rest of the movie is full of characters with no chemistry and CGI car races that made my inner back-seat-driver sit up and say “Slow down, you could hurt someone!”
Obviously, this movie did not appeal to me but I’m sure it would appeal to someone who subscribes to “Modified Mag”. I personally couldn’t wait for the whole thing to be over.

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