Anne plays Clair Summers, a shrink who is given an assignment of her own to manage the therapy of five airplane crash survivors. Aside from being an ill conceived story line, Claire asks all of the survivors to meet with her for a group therapy session where they talk about how they are dealing with surviving. I’m sure it’s an issue for some people so I decide to believe this part. She has trouble with one person, Eric, who just flirts with her but asks her to visit him, not as a therapist. Oh blah. Claire is conflicted, she is his therapist, but she’s also a woman, queue the porno music, but she wants to do what’s best for the patient.
She gathers who was left in a dark and empty cafeteria or whatever and settles into getting to know her survivors. Eric begins a series of life changes, I don’t mean he became a woman, I mean he did stuff like clean out the fridge. A romance also begins to bud between them and with his urging Clair tries to reach out to her estranged sister. While all of this is going on, Claire’s therapy group of four begins to dwindle as they start to disappear after encountering mysterious people.
Claire believes that the airline is behind the crash and the consequent cover up which obviously includes absconding with her patients. As she and Eric begin to dig into this theory, the truth is revealed and oh my God I saw that coming. And again, I can’t ignore the feeling that this plot is familiar in some way…
I personally wouldn’t give this one high marks, but I can see how others would enjoy it. It is neither frightening nor is it taxing in any way to the brain. I demand more than the average human from a thriller/horror than a cutsie romance and an unexpected twist, but if you are one of the many who prefer this genre to be soft core, this would be perfect for you.

1 important opinions:
but but did they get together in the end after an hour-and-a-half of mild sexual tension? If the answer is "yes" then it will play well with the XX chromosome crowd.
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