I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Feb 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
It has just been brought to my attention, that the dumbass with the hood ornament emblazened upon his forehead in "Stargate" (I prefer my Richard Dean Anderson in a mullet ala MacGyver thank you very much) is a blatant rip off of Ziggy Statdust, just not as ambiguously... male?

um... right...

Its the Dino Gang

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
So, last night at our annual OC meeting where we basically just get together every Thursday and watch the OC, the topic of needing nicknames came up. Todd already had one, he is "Scoots" as he has a horibly unpopular habit of rubbing his ass along the carpet when it itches him. I suggested that Suzy's nickname should be something like "Suzi" (you know, with an I) that didn't fly I don't think, not nicknamey enough, or perhaps it was the fact that it was just not very clever, it was shot down anyway. I think the one I've been using for Jessica (compliments of my boyfriend, aka: Irond Will) should be good enough, "J-Carv" that will have to do. Suzy I'm afraid is left to whatever name Jessica gives her, and I know she's given my sister one heck of a mouthful. So on behalf of "The Fridgid Bitch" I would just like to wish Suzy all the luck in the world.

Feb 10, 2005

Being Christopher Walken

Cow Bell
Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.


Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
Look at his package, he want's you to, Ziggy says "Look at my package, it's impressive, and don't forget my awkward lone nipple. Take that Lil Kim, I don't need no pasty! I have a femullet, so what of it mate, Look at my PACKAGE damn you! Bloody hell i'm sexy."

I love Bowie and find that he really can do no wrong... but Ziggy... he... she... um... I love you anyway. I in no way say that I know what is going on in his mind, but since I have a relationship with Bowie that transcends anthing known to mankind, I can say that the above dialogue is probably total bullshit.

Hang onto your panties girls

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
Looks like the mullet is on the prowl, and he's a comin' for you. He desires only a few simple pleasures in life; to make sure his nuts are adequately suffocated, long romantic holidays where you pour chocolate sauce upon his abs (he doesn't spend 3 hours a day in the gym for his health you know) and to feel you running your hands through his lucious locks.

The sad thing here is that the mullet upon his head is just a cherry topped on a sundae. It is no more than an added bit of gay, and he thinks he can do no wrong.

It's Thurday!

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
It's Thurday again, this is a great day for many, mainly Jessica and Suzy. But they grew up addicted to 90210. There is no need to explain the OC to anyone, I'm sure it's well known to a great many, and has not yet been cancelled which is a big thing since this is a show airing on FOX and is neither a show titled "When Houshold Goldfish Attack part 3" or a reality show where where the world dumbest but well developed people are on some island resort (since they have no real jobs and can do this) and they fight about who is the bigger slut. The OC is our Thursday ritual. Since last year I have been watching this show with Jessica while we made pasta, mmmm pasta. now we view it at Suzy's apartment which is the coolest trip into the 80's. Bright walls and Prince and David Bowie everything, mmmm Bowie. Can't say I'm a fan of the Point Pleasant that comes on the tele after the OC, I've seen the Omen 1,2 & 3, I'm not impressed with a series featuring actors with the skill of a postage stamp, and God possesed lighthouses, yeah, I got nothing. I am however up for a game of Mario Tennis.

How Cool is this statement?

"This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address fell on the same day. As Air America Radio pointed out, "It is an ironic juxtaposition: one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication, and the other
involves a groundhog."

I heart Air America, but it's not as much fun to listen to since the election. I am still weeping about that.

Feb 7, 2005

Do the Collapse

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
So last year I went to Myrtle beach for the first time. It was kinda sucky, Confederate flag everything, people pimping out their golf carts and turning the resort drive into a cruising strip. I also heard what I think is a mating call "Git 'er Done" a lot. Really don't ever want to do that again. However I had a blast with my friend Jessica who invited me. So, I now introduce the gang: Jessica, Suzy and Todd. Well in Myrtle we took a trip to Barefoot on the Whatever where there just happened to be the first mirror maze I have ever been in. The thing about Jess and Suzy is they are best friends and in turn Jessica has a hard time being separated from her... even by a mirror. Panic! we lost Todd and Suzy, Jessica starts to call out for her, relief she sees her and goes running... into the mirror reflecting Suzy... and then to the floor. See above for result.

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.

Suzy and Todd are dating, aren't they cute? I have no story to introduce them with, but doesn't suzy look crazy?