It was a bit of a toss up between BAD or UGLY today but just when I thought that Arizona could not get any more heinous, up pops another Bush (the first one) remnant in the form of Dan Quayle's son, Ben. So I am trying to figure out if the man who is the spawn of the worst vice president has any right to to make the claim that Obama is the worst president? Really? I think it is simply time for him to shut-up and sit down.
Little factoid: When we moved to Virginia from London I was told that Ben had been a student the previous year at the middle school I was attending. The reason why was removed not because he was the son of the vice president, but because he was picked on relentlessly by his peers regarding his fathers almost constant moronic moments. I think like "W", Ben may have a few daddy issues of his own he needs to work out. Why can't he do it in therapy or a crack den like a normal person and spare us from being subjected to yet another retarded politician?