I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Feb 6, 2009

the good, THE BAD, the ugly

Few things are as irksome as douche bags who have nothing to do with your business get all up in it. So some lady crapped out 8 kids on top of her other 6. Wow, that really sucks for her, not for me. At what point will my life ever be affected by her over active womb?

So here we meet Ulyses Gutierrez who is taking his hatred of baby makers to the masses. He is so angry he can barely contain it. With his cute pink sign that reads:


Other than a creative use of quotation marks, there is something shifty about our friend here. Upon closer inspection, I begin to realize that Ulyses is just a plant, brought out by the Umbrella Corporation!

That's right, the same shady corporation that brought us a plague of zombies in Raccoon City, is bringing us a plague of babies!


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