Based on the Capcom Survival Horror video game franchise, Resident Evil follows our heroine Alice down the rabbit hole and into a zombie infested subterranean laboratory known as “The Hive” located a mile beneath the fictional Raccoon City and owned by the Umbrella Corporation.
In the laboratory, an unseen technician tosses releases a vial of blue liquid and then escapes while the master computer known as “The Red Queen” seals in the occupants of the lab and kills them as a security precaution and voila! Zombies are born! Alice awakens on the shower floor with no memory of her life, and for the guys out there, no clothes either. She finds herself in a large mansion that acts to protect the main entrance to the Hive. When a guy who claims to be a cop named Matt appears out of nowhere and a team of soldiers descend upon her, Alice finds herself in more doo-doo than she originally assumed. Turns out, Alice is one of the Umbrella Corporation’s commandos and can kick some wicked zombie ass with her girl power, but that comes later. The troop heads into the mansion and down to the rail system that will bring them to the Hive. And holy shit, they find a dude on the train and Alice recognizes him as her husband from a photo in the mansion, who does that happen to?
Well, the guy in charge of the recon updates them as to who they are and to the mission at hand. Due to a lack of corporate communication, Umbrella doesn’t know why the Red Queen went all Helter Skelter and murdered a bunch of perfectly good European scientists. So down they go. They get to the entrance of the super computer’s location and wouldn’t you know it, The Red Queen notices them poking around and seals a few expendable soldiers, the commander and Alice in a very clean white hallway. The coolest security device kicks in, and cubes the soldiers with lasers while Alice uses her super woman strength to lift herself to the ceiling and only looses a few inches of dress. She makes her way to the main door, disabling the lasers and allowing the rest of the pack to come in. They enter the Red Queen’s chamber and are greeted with the creepiest little hologram. The Red Queen is a 10 year old little girl modeled after the daughter of the creator of the damned thing. She lights up and warns them not to shut her down. Who listens to computers who take on the appearance of British school girls anyway? Down goes the Red Queen, up goes all of the sealed doors and this is where the shit gets good.
So, they complete their mission, but now are fighting for their lives as the dead slowly wake having been infected with the chemical now known as the T-Virus was released in the beginning, remember? Good. Well the zombies attack, our survivors dwindle, roles are revealed and a disgusting mutant call "The Licker" is unleashed among our heroes and a sequel is born. I don't want to give too much away because a good zombie movie must be savored and not revealed in some half assed blog.

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