Inigo Montoya was missing, presumably killed in the fire that destroyed their local breakfast Joint, Der Waffle Haus. And no, they never explain this. We turn back to our reaper gang. If Daisy's character wasn't already my least favorite, they switched out the previous actress for one that made the character even less bearable. But the rest of them are all there, Mason the limey, Roxy the feisty cop and George, the anorexic protagonist. Seriously, in 4 years you think she would have eaten a sandwich. Wardrobe had a hard time finding pants small enough to fit her skeletal frame. And they didn't succeed.
Well with the "death" of their boss, a limo swiftly arrives to deposit them at a new Shi-shi restaurant where they meet their new boss and are given a product placement for Trio. Their new boss is some British douche who is either very crappy at his job, or has something up his sleeve. He gives Daisy 2 reaps back to back without enough time to show the soul to its light, and gives Roxy none. George is given a reap with the wrong time, and Mason's reap is at a convenience store being robbed, who he then robs. Okay, whatever.
So at a swanky house, Daisy sees stars with the prospect of being an actress again, Roxy is introduced to the police chief and Mason gets hookers. All are shown that there are no consequences with their reaps while George is freaking out over missing her reap who turns out is not ready to die, but is a boy who has been secretly dating her sister.
Obviously, the actions they take in regards to how they perform their reaps does have consequences which is the lesson that Inigo Montoya was trying to teach them all along. Before his mysterious demise in a German house of waffles of course.
The movie left me still scratching my head, but missing the series even more. It answered nothing and concluded even less.

3 important opinions:
Ugh, they ruined Dead Like Me. I wish I never bought the movie. It's just not the same.
Also who is Inigo Montoya? Don't you mean Rube Sofer?
Yeah, his name was Rube, I was being sarcastic because the actor who played Rube is famous for his role of Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride. You know "you killed my father, prepare to die."
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