We start with the young boy who survived his family in the second Grudge. He's confined to a mental ward and babbles about how the lady is after him. And she is really, after turning him into a pretzel, that girl from The Blob decides to believe that something may have been after him. Then somewhere in Tokyo some unfamiliar girl wakes from a dream and figures she can stop this curse. Quickly you realize that she has no purpose in the movie but to be Japanese.
So the apartment building that the curse was spread to is the focus and our protagonists are a family of siblings. The eldest brother is the super intendant and is taking care of his two younger sisters, one being a teen and the other has heath problems. They don't say what it is, so it is either sever asthma or something imaginary like Fibromyalgia. Now, the guy playing the brother must have been told one too many times that he resembles Freddy Prinze Jr. and took it to mean that he should emulate his acting style as well.
Randomly the Grudge lady clacks around and kills people American slasher style, and the Japanese girl who you would have already forgotten about arrives to solve this whole curse thing. She turns out to be the sister of a girl who was fed the evil souls that possessed others. So it's like saying she is the hairdresser of a guy who is cousins with someone who went to high school with someone who did something important. You will forget about her again, don't worry.
So nothing really gets accomplished at all in 90 minutes. The brother goes all Amityville and the Japanese girl hits a stick against a bow string and tries to get the Fibromyalgia kid to drink a bowl of blood. WTF?
I would recommend taking a pass on this movie unless you are like me, and saw the word "Grudge" in the title and mistakenly thought it would be something worth watching.

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