When I saw this flip switch tool thingy, a girl named Dana came flying out of the recesses of my memory and slapped my across the face like a wet fish. She had a crappy home life and was really only tolerable for small amounts of time because she never stopped moving. She was in the second camp of the theater geeks, she worked the lighting for all of the school performances. What I remember the most about her, other than her waist length hair, was that she never went anywhere without her multi-tool.
I would like to think it was because she wanted to be prepared for anything. She would one day be trapped in a Mexican prison with only a gum wrapper, duct tape and this multi-tool to get her out.
2 important opinions:
You will one day be made to regret making fun of the female drama-girl version of McGyver.
No, I really don't think I will.
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