I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Feb 13, 2009

Daily Memory

My mother is from Maine, and we would spend every summer with her family in a town called Dover-Foxcroft. My grandfather started the Hall's Christmas tree farm and we would work either making bows or shearing trees as we grew up. But every year without fail, my cousins and I would walk or bike about a mile to visit "The Enchanted Forest". The kid in the picture is neither me or my sister, but oddly enough, we have pictures just like this.

I loved this place. It was created by a man who carved animals and characters out of tree trunks and would scatter them around the woods. It was great going through and playing with the Peanut characters and searching for the tiny wood animals hidden around.

I had not been to Maine since my junior year in high school. I returned 10 years later, and then 3 years ago began returning with my boyfriend. I was so excited to show him where I had spent so much time enjoying. I was crushed to learn that the forest was closed as many years after creating it, the owner was on the hook for liability if anyone got hurt in his park. So basically, people suck. Walk it off asshole, bring back the Enchanted Forest.

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