I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Dec 27, 2005

Praise be my poison womb

A big sigh of relief in the knowledge that my period has not arrived due only to my disfunctional ovaries. A little know fact about me is that my girlie bits get bored and start day dreaming and therefore forget to do the things that they are supposed to do. Once, they skived for a year and a half. I'll tell you, that was a whole lot of pocket money saved since I didn't have to run out and buy feminine products every month. I can sleep easier also knowing that it really is just fat from too many potato chips that are adding a bit of jiggle to my waist line. Damn chips! If only they didn't taste so good and give me so much comfort.

I think I got pee on me.

1 important opinions:

Frankie Pancakes said...

At least this brand came with 3 in a box. Pregnancy tests all around folks! It's fun for the whole "I hope I don't have one" family.