I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Dec 28, 2005

Day 2 of my week without Will


Day 2 has rolled around and my chef is nowhere to be found. So what does a smart chick like me end up doing? Why go to the grocery store and discover a fast and easy way to make a curry that does not burn my tastebuds off. Enter the "Tastes of the World" isle at Shaws and premade curry.


How did it taste? Not as funny as it looks, but it is a far cry from the "Pujabi Dahba" at Inman Sq. Oh Dabah... I miss your paneer.


Please come home soon. I may starve... or fill the fridge with leftovers. And I need someone to tell me that raw cookie dough is not an entre.

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