I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Dec 27, 2005

First meal alone

So Christmas has come and gone, and so has my baby. He's coming back in a few days, he only went to Colorado to visit his family for a belated Christmas, but still I am alone. So after crying when I dropped him off at Logan, like a big fat sissy, I returned to my home alone and promptly began watching really bad TV, just because I could. Now Will is the cook in this family, and I feared that I would starve until his return, the dog sure as hell isn't going to whip me up a fine feast, but I made my first meal and thanks to the no-meat chicken from MorningStar Farms, a veg-head like me can eat a dish so fine, bet it had you fooled. It can only fool a vegetarian that it isn't real meat.


So behold my meal, my first foray into rice making (I have never made rice that I can remember, I just don't have that gene that everyone else has that allows them to know the perfect balance of rice to water.) After winging it, I made a bowl of slightly dry and not even noticeably burnt basmati. Mmmm, I tucked into that like it was a $50 gourmet meal, then put the rest in a gladware bowl and told myself that it would be lunch for tomorrow. This however to those who know me, know that I don't like to do "leftover" I think it becomes contaminated overnight. I'm not germophobic, I just don't like to eat food that has had time to... ripen. And our dog is a smart dog, he knows the difference between what is meat and what isn't. Maybe I'll keep it around to show Will, that I made a real diner alone that didn't require a microwave.

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