I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Mar 25, 2005

I just thought I would share this

In no way does this have any relevance to life at all, but this memory popped into my mind as I was thinking about my chapstick this morning. I used to date this guy, aside from being the worst human being on the planet (he knows who he is) he once thought that he was a wrestler and in thinking this, he smeared vasoline all over his body for that body glissen that is so glisseny on all wrestlers. I would just like to say that doing this was stupid, and unless you want to slide easily through small air ducts this is quite useless. And now when I apply my gloss every morning I will remember this fool and that vasoline is a bitch to remove.

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