I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jan 20, 2009


Yes, I read the Twilight series (except the forth book because it sucked) and I watched the movie. I loved the first 3 novels, they gripped me, I felt close to the characters and what they dealt with. I am not a vampire lover, have never found the vampire scene to be attractive, I am more of a zombie girl. So I was hesitant to read the book which was gifted to me. I ate it up. And when I heard there was going to be a movie version of this wonderful story, well hot digity I was sure excited.

The story follows Bella, our main character who recently moved from Arizona to a town in Washington called Forks. Due to the constant state of English weather, a family of vampires has taken residence. Bella enters the high school in Forks and is instantly the most interesting person around. Until she meets the beautiful and mysterious Edward. An impossible romance buds between them as much as they know it is dangerous, they have a kindred love for one another. The story is mainly a romance between the vampire and the moody Bella but when the Cullen Clan of which Edward belongs along with Bella encounter a second clan of vampires, a dangerous game of cat and mouse begins and Bella's life is in danger.

The movie did what it could to take the general story and main points of the novel in which it is based upon, but so much is missing withing the growing romance between the main characters, so that it appears that they are grumpy and distant to one another, and then professing their love. It seemed to jump around too much which is the downfall of making a movie based on a long novel. Against my better judgment, I enjoyed the movie, jumping story points and all, but found that it's greatest disappointment was the use of low budget special effects.


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