“Doom” is based on a popular video game franchise of the same name. I never played it myself, but it is mainly a first person shooter with a visual style akin to “Wolfenstein 3D.” If I had been able to play the game without vomiting, I could compare how the movie did in keeping to the plot and style.
The movie takes place in the future and assumedly on another planet. We meet our gang of heroes as they are talking about their long awaited leave. Holey Camoley! Sarge (aka: The Rock) busts in and tells our group of intergalactic Marines that leave is cancelled and to suit up for some ass kicking on a space base with a ridiculous name. The group gets ready and the camera pans out to introduce us to our mega hero, Reaper, so in other words, he’s the guy that will live. Well he’s got some issue with this planet, something to do with his parents dying there and his sister continuing to deal with this trauma in a mature fashion and continues to work there. Anyway, they take a jello blob teleporter to the base and discover that all hell has broken loose in a research wing. The group’s mission is to locate the scientist in this wing and to retrieve “the Data” and for tension, the one who is assigned to this task is none other than Reaper’s estranged sister. I totally didn’t see that one coming.
Moving on. Mutants are afoot in this wing and it is discovered that the cause behind the mutant/zombie fan club, is an experimental drug that instantly alters your DNA and leaves you with a 24th chromosome. This either makes you a super human or a super freak. How nice. The only problem is, this drug turns you into a mindless beast hell bent on sharing its genetic gift, or tearing you apart. Reaper’s sister believes that the serum, if administered to her brother would not mutate him, but would make him the bionic Reaper. There is no scientific reason behind this reasoning, so I must believe that a little fairy told her. Reaper takes the drug only after he has been shot and proceeds to tear some shit up in space. We are treated to some first person shooter style camera action and a final boss battle against Sarge.
So in closing, mindless action, zombie like beasts, happy ending and the death of The Rock, all adds up to an 2 hours of awesome.

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