So I'm driving to the grocery store to pick up some frozen meals for lunch and NPR is talking about the recession we are currently experiencing. With record numbers of unemployment claims and mounting numbers of layoffs, they bring up the TARP fund and how the banks are trying to award bonuses with this money and buy corporate jets. So I am thoroughly disgusted by the time I pull into the slushy parking lot of the local "Stop & Shop". I grab my basket and make my way through the store to the Lean Cuisine section and on my way I pass an elderly couple easily in their late 80's speaking in a low and worried tone. I figure they are just having one of those adorable spats people who have been with one another have after 65 years of marriage always have. As I proceed to the self checkout, I am right next to them and a manager has joined their group. I overhear that the woman's pocketbook has been stolen. I am aghast that someone would even do this to another person in this financial climate, and to the elderly? You have to be a cold and heartless person to display this kind of behavior with no conscience. I know times are hard, but imagine what this woman had in her bag, She most likely had everything she needed in that bag and not just a wallet. Keys, photos, checkbook, cash, banking information, contact numbers, credit cards, hell a Buick and a kitchen sink were probably in there. I felt crushed that this woman had this happen to her and I feel heartbroken by our society, how will we recover if we don't even try?
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