I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Apr 27, 2006

The Lunchtime Break

The comunity where I work is an odd one, and usually I see or experience something noteworthy everyday if I go out for lunch. So my thought is that I should begin to write them down. Why not right? They may not be very interesting but it's just a bit of the flavor that is Hingham MA. A very rich community that is intermingled with the not so weathly working class. I always sympathise with the working class, so when I see some rich house wife trying to make their life less about kids and housework and the fact that dear hubbie is diddling the secretary, I take notice. 

To explain yesterdays debacle at the local ForEyes will be an entirely different post, but one worth noting. 

But for this afternoon, my first post in ode to the lunchtime break will be about faux mother earth worshippers.

I'm leaving Whole Foods (because god forbid the uppercrusties build a normal grocery store,) with my mango smoothie in hand as a nod to the new spring feel in the air, I see a mother earther. She's got her hemp type woven bag over her shoulders, and her earthy flowing skirt and all the frills. But the thing that makes her special in my mind, is the fact that she's driving a big ol' mini van. You can't care about the earth and destroy it at the same time. So shame on you miss thang. Buy yourself a hybrid and then your earthen bag and flowing skirt will mean more than just you trying to appear caring and carefree. 

1 important opinions:

Anonymous said...

Uh oh. I work at NWF and drive an SUV. I'll be damned.