I curse like a sailor myself on most days that I am awake, but when profanity is used in a manor I can only liken to a 14 year old girl who cannot find another preposition other than the word "Like" to form a complete sentence, I can't help but want to slam my head in a car door. But once I was able to put my masochistic tendencies in check, I got down to finding the movie funny.
It was not a movie that was humorous or even original in any way, shape or form but the circumstances that the characters find themselves in and their attempt to get themselves out of were funny and even touching. Well, as touching as a movie about two best friends who can't pay their bills and decide to make a porno and have sex on camera to make enough money to at least turn the heat back on in their apartment only to find that after doing it on a sack of coffee beans in the storage room in the coffee shop they were using as a film studio can be.
But in the end, as predictable as the movie was and the fact that my vocabulary will never be the same, I never tire of a happy ending where love happens between the two main characters.

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