I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jan 8, 2009

The Wrestler

Okay, last night's movie was The Wrestler. Now I know that Mickey Rourke is up for some nomination or what have you, and he truly deserves it as he did a remarkable job with the character of a broke down, washed up, has-been pro wrestler. I only wish I enjoyed the movie. It was just so... tragic. I can't do tragic, tragic and slow I can't do. I mean, I really wanted to know how his aged life ended in this movie, but I couldn't sit there to find out. It made me uncomfortable and I assume this was the intention of the movie. I have enjoyed other movies by this director, Cube, Requiem for a Dream and Pi, all very good and engrossing movies but The Wrestler just was not for me.

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