I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Oct 21, 2009


Part zombie movie, part brutal rape movie, Deadgirl was either a clever horror film or a tribute to the works of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng, because there was no other reason this movie should have been made. I spent most of the movie feeling ashamed for watching it and the other half seriously pissed off by the callous actions of these seemingly everyday boys.

PLOT Skipping class, Rickie and J.T., two slacker high school students in appropriate hipster attire decide to break into the local run down asylum which we appear to have an abundance of in this country. They smash shit up to a soundtrack in their heads whilst drinking cheep beer and smoking and then they begin to explore the endless hallways that run under the hospital. It is here they break into the boiler room where they find a body of a naked woman tied to a table. Discovering that she is alive, they argue about getting help for her but J.T. thinks it would be best to just keep her tied to the table so he can continually rape her, you know, because while he was beating the shit out of her he discovered she can’t die so it’s really the only logical option.

It’s a whole morality issue for Ricky who tries to make his friend see reason and release the dead girl, but while she’s getting plowed by a couple of jocks she bites one. Turns out she is not too dissimilar to a zombie and can make other zombies or “dead girls” if she bites you. See, J.T. isn’t a pig after all, I mean she’s a zombie and therefore kinda deserves it, right?

FINAL THOUGHT I can see where this was intended to be thought provoking, since the girl on the table could not be killed, she is technically not alive and therefore is not to be considered a human making an ethical argument. But from what I can tell, it was really just a movie about boys wanting a sex slave and using a loophole to make it acceptable. For revenge, rent Teeth.


1 important opinions:

oucheba said...

My overriding memory of this flick will be Rickie saying "J.T." way too many times.

Good to be reading your stuff again. Welcome back!