We open to a narrated dream sequence, as Anna tells her therapist about her latest nightmare. Anna has been in a mental hospital since the death of her sick mother in a tragic boat house explosion and apparent suicide attempt. The doctors at this hospital suck because after she tells him about her nightmare, he says she is cured and ready to go home. And just like that, she packs a bag, her dad honks the car horn and she walks out of the hospital like she was only staying at a friend’s house for the night. In her absence, her father’s relationship with her late mother’s nurse has progressed. Obviously, Anna is leery of her, but finds support from her sister older, rebellious sister Alex.
By this point, if you haven’t figured out the twist at the end, you can keep watching. Anna begins to see visions of her mother, and three mysterious children, two boys and a red headed girl who seem to be trying to warn Anna about her shifty new step-mom to be. So Anna and Alex begin to do some Nancy Drew action and check out Rachel’s past. They do all the fun things super sleuths do, they make inquiring phone calls to her previous nursing companies and rifle through her underwear drawer. When not snooping they are hanging around the lake in bikinis.
I can’t give away the surprise ending for all of you who haven’t figured it out, which sort of puts the kibosh on me making fun of this cinematic fiasco. I feel duped for watching this, but I went into knowing it was going to be craptastic, I just feel that my time would have been better spent popping “Sisters” into the DVD player one more time.

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