I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Mar 11, 2009

Daily Memory

If you didn’t play the game “hot Lava” as a kid, you were seriously missing out. The object was to cross a room without touching the floor. You could have accomplished this by jumping on furniture or on books or pillows thrown on the floor. I played this for hours and would then build a fort out of the pillows while pretending that I was hanging out with my Smurf friends. I had such a crush on Papa Smurf, he was so hot in his little red hat and pants.

1 important opinions:

Anonymous said...

i played a game similar to that when i was a kid. but in my version, i would sit on the carpet floor eating popsicles playing Intellivision :)