The movie opens to some skinny girl jogging when she happens upon a Japanese Inspired little boy and a creepy ass dog wearing a mask. There is no bloody reason for the mask or the dog except to try and make the audience so confused, they think they are being terrified. Following the masked dog into the woods, she finds the abandoned mask and a jar with a fetus in it. What the fuck? Oh, it’s okay boys and girls, it’s just a dream.
The next day Casey, the skinny girl who sees fetuses when she sleeps, is discussing her dream with her best friend who conveniently is all about dreams and ghosts and is not embarrassed by it at all. When she over hears on the baby monitor of the children she is sitting for, some strange conversation for a small boy and an infant child. Upon investigation she finds the boy who looks like he's been transplanted from one movie about a freaky kid into this one, holding a mirror to the infant and yammering away about some dude named Jumby who wants to be born. My interest is lost at this point as I do not know what kind of fucked up parent would call a kid "Jumby" unless they didn't have a sign that read "kick me" to tape to his back.
Rather suddenly Cassey starts to see the Japanese rip-off everywhere and then her eyes start turning a different colour. The ophthalmologist tells her it's because she is actually a twin who's twin wasn't born. What kind of eye doctor says that kind of crap.
Eventually she starts to investigate her late mother who killed herself instead of watching this movie. She finds a grandmother who is extremely young for being in a Nazi concentration camp having experiments done on her, I wasn't really paying attention to remember what the experiments were for, but there was some spirit called a Dybbuk who took over her twin brother. And then the great actor Gary Oldman joins the cast and I wept for his lost carreer. Blah Blah Blah, exorcism and Dybbuk go poof.
If it weren't for the hysterical laughter going on in the theater, I would not have enjoyed myself at all. The movie was full of cliches and was not visually cohesive. It threw everything that may have been scarry in one movie into this one. I guess you could say it was "Horror Gumbo".

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