The movie introduces us to the air born madness in Central Park, where all insanity begins. Two girls are on a bench talking, when one stabs herself in the neck. AWESOME! The other girl looks around to see everyone around her going all hara-kiri on their asses.
Anyway, as this suicidal trend is spreading through my stomping grounds, we meet Elliot and the Funky Bunch, a sappy sweet and poorly acted teacher in sunny Philadelphia. Upon hearing about the epidemic, he grabs his equally poorly acted fellow employee, a math teacherand his daughter and his own wife, Alma (as an aside, I lived next door to the Dechanel’s in London and was good friends with Emily. We were however all convinced that Zooey was… “special”, and if this movie is any indication, I think she very well may be) and they make haste to leave the city. When the math teacher looses contact with his wife, he panics and decides to find her but only ends up killing himself instead.
Forming survivalist groups, they begin to travel to the areas not affected. They run across some botanists, which I have never done myself, and compare theories. Al Gore was right, and the planet hates us and we are systematically being ethnically cleansed. Again totally awesome, would have been better with zombies, but I digress. The groups of survivors become smaller and smaller.
Apparently, the movie was supposed to be a nod to the B movies of the 50’s. Well, it succeeded in becoming a B movie of the 21st Century. I enjoyed it, even though it was torture watching Wahlberg, Deschanel and Leguizamo which made me bleed from the eyes and ears, I just can’t shake how frightening it would be to have the earth kill us off.

1 important opinions:
Marky Mark did a fine job IMO. He's basically okay when he plays an ordinary guy, which he did here. It's just that his character - and for that matter this movie - was rather boring.
The premise was dumb, the conclusion was unsatisfying and the ending was cheap.
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