I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jul 31, 2006

Colorado or bust

So after the wedding it was onto Colorado. One of the many conservative states in the US (FYI we here in Boston don't care for conservative Republicans with their anti immigration and tax cuts for the wealthy, not to mention their proclivity for overlooking the ACTUAL amount of unemployed citizens in America). Anyway... we spent our 2 days in Colorado shopping and then trecking up the Rocky Mountains (in a car obviously) and seeing the sights and animals.


My first Elk.


and of course the sights. this would be from 13,000 feet up and in the very cold tundra of the mountain where nothing by moss grows due to the freezing wind.

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