I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jan 12, 2009

I Know Who Killed Me

...And other sad tales of 2 hours lost. Okay, so I just about jumped for joy when I saw this on the Netflix Instant movie site. I have heard how this is supposed to be the worst movie made, and with Rotten Tomatoes giving it 8% they must be right and boy was I looking forward to it.

It tried to be too many things all at once, Noir, Thriller & Slasher. It failed to actually capture any of these themes successfully. And the heavy handed symbolic use of blue roses went nowhere in my mind.

After watching it completely and not really knowing what just happened to the last 90 minutes of my life, I realized that it was not the worst horror movie (or movie calling itself a horror) I have ever seen. This honor is bestowed upon the American remake of One Missed Call.


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