I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

May 4, 2006

Okay, so I said that I would comment on the weirdness and hypocrisies of Hingham at lunch time. And I went out everyday to find them, but it was fruitless.

But today, I went out to Panera to partake in their new pea and asparagus soup and frosty green tea beverage. Since Mass. finally got out of the 40's and into the 70's overnight, I thought I would treat myself to icy goodness. But the straw... my god the straw the man chose for me is purple. He looked up at me and said "you look like a purple." I HATE purple, I hate every shade of purple, anyone who knows me knows that. I dispise dealing with anything purple. It compliments the green colour of the drink... but still, my beverage enjoyment is tainted, it's like... it's like he sneezed on my food before giving it to me. I didn't say anything when he handed my contaminated drink over to me because I thought it was sweet that someone put even a modicum of thought into what colour to choose to suit me... but PURPLE? Geez.

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