I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Mar 7, 2005

So you think you found Jesus

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
Friday night, I'm happily knitting away at something and the door bell rings. Activate the hyper dog. Well Will goes to the front door and is gone for a while. I'm thinking he was shot and maybe I should hide, or at the very least check on him. So I peer carefully out the peep hole and through the balcony to the front door (we have two entrance doors on a breezeway balcony) I see he's not dead so I don't have to go out into the cold, but he's engaged in conversation with two kids outfitted in standard missionary wear. He can fend for himself and I hide in the television room. This is where I remain as he invites the boys in. What brave little buggers, entering our jesus free home to try to spread the word. They did not succeed needless to say, but they did give us an endearing postcard of our favorite blond AND blue eyed jesus. It makes a great coaster. They left quickly after being offered pizza and refreshments... why so suspicious? It's not like we collect missionaries. I open up my yahoo this morning and it looks as though jesus really is fucking metal.
Jesus is Metal
Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes

"My songs are God saying things to me, him talking to people. He's going to use me to heal people and people are going to be drawn to it, just watch, they will be," spoken by some guitarist from Korn. um, yeah, good luck with that. Dudes for Jesus

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