I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jan 25, 2005

Damn you imac

In my failed attempt to connect my beautiful ipod photo, I must have given my computer a migrain. It refuses to open the Safari application and the Email application, and if you want to export songs from a CD into itunes... forget about it. It starts daydreaming halfway through the export, wishing it had another, more adept owner and forgets to complete the file transfer. Do I know what to do? Not a damn clue. so it's either a call to mac support or a clean install. There goes all of the progress I've made on my CSI game. This is the sort of thing that makes me want to stay home from work and pout while I breathlessly call tech support trying not to pass out from panic attack, a $2500.00 panic attack. Thank god I don't work at home. Luckily, since I have nothing but bad luck, I have tried not to save anything onto the hard drive, except for days worth of music.

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