PLOT Apparently the South of any City is where the ghettos are located and London is no different. Fireworks are exploding as what I can only assume was on Guy Fawkes day also national mug a girl on the street day as a gang of 5 adolescent chavs hold up poor nurse Sam on her way home. Dicks, right? Well whatever 'cuz something falls from the sky and lands on the car right next to simpering Sam and she runs off. Not bothered by the falling airplane poo or whatever it could have been, Moses, the leader, wiggles his way into the broken car window to lift any valuables. Then holy shit this thing pops out of the glove box... or somewhere (man British cars are confusing) and escapes, but not after giving Moses the best fucking face scars. Well, he's not taking that laying down so they track the critter, kill it and then drag it through the 'hood and up to the "block" (that's what the cool kids call the apartment building, clever.)
As they hang out in a very sexified Nick Frost's pot den there is some marble mouthed dealings going on between Moses and some guy's name I never really did catch and off in the distance little aliens drop from the sky. Lucky it was Guy Fawkes day or the explosions just might rouse some suspicions even if the fiery holes left by the space droppings went completely unnoticed. What didn't go unnoticed was Sam's mugging. Sam and the Police drive around in a little van looking for the hoodlums that mugged her. Well luck for her, the po-po roll up and catch Moses at just the same time the aliens show us what they are really all about, and they are fucking awesome.
Seeking shelter they all end up in the Block, which as the title suggests is now under attack and it is up to these five, slightly unlikable and mildly incoherent kids and one nurse Sam to defend from the onslaught of alien beings.
FINAL THOUGHT The British always seem to get it right. The perfect combination of action, humor, fear, gore, shiny track suits and non human characters. I know the characters were little thieving and drug dealing shits but I couldn't help but root for them over the creatures.
*sigh* I love the British.

2 important opinions:
The fireworks were actually for the 4th of July, which is celebrated over there as the day of England and America's totally mutual breakup.
Also, I can't believe you didn't mention Mayhem and Props, the precocious gangster toddlers.
Here is an interesting interview with the director.
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