PLOT A narrator gets everyone who hasn’t played the video games a little back story about the protagonist who turns out to have been a street urchin named Dastan who the king saw one day and thought that he had moxie and adopted him into the family. Well Dastan grew up with the king’s two moxie deficient sons and like all imaginary families he was welcomed and loved as one of their own. But not all is well in Persia as the neighboring sacred city of Alamut is selling weapons to enemies, like we do, and they plan for an attack that Dastan leads with his monkey wall climbing skills. The city is taken over and Dastan’s brother plans to take the Princess Tamina of Alamut as his bride. Everything goes downhill for Dastan who now holds in his possession a very magical knife that pretty much everyone wants and after he was tricked into gifting his father with a cloak that was made with acid thus killing him, he and Tamina go on the run together.
On the first night of their journey, Dastan discovers that the knife manipulates time. By pressing the jewel at the top, cool swirly things cause the rewind button to be pressed. Thinking that this would be the proof needed to clear his name he could show this to his uncle proving that that this was the reason that the attack on Alamut happened and the weapons were planted to fool the Persians. Tamina who is the guardian of the knife is constantly lifting it from him so that she might bring it to sanctuary where it would be safe from evil doers like Dick Cheney… I mean Dastan’s uncle.
FINAL THOUGHT It was formulaic and fluffy but I have an undeniable urge to watch it again. Prince of Persia, I just can’t quit you.

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