I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Aug 23, 2010

Boston Ramble

This weekend we had a mega ramble through Boston with some friends from Tex-ass. A ramble is basically a drinking walking tour through different neighborhoods in the city. Areas we hit included Union Sq., Inman Sq., Harvard Sq., Central Sq., Back Bay, Boston Commons, the South End and then all the way back home.
Shown clockwise is our friend from Tex-ass John with a complete stranger dressed like George Michael; Missy and Daniel; John again with his lady Virginia; and cougar magnet Dereck... I just noticed my friend Ben did not get his picture taken... sorry Ben.

Farmer's market in Union Sq.

Sunflowers in the city

"Nantucket Rapist Island" who knew...

Harvard Sq. & South End


images courtesy of engineer boyfriend's iPhone.

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