In a Superman style birth. Under attack by a bunch of pissed off Romulans the crew of the starship USS Kelvin flee for safety in escape pods and it is here that James T. Kirk is born as his father the acting captain is going down with the ship. Jim grows up fast and furious, a troublemaker who loves adventure, and green women. He enlists into the academy under the suggestion of George Pike who I remember from the series was “The Cage” and he challenges him that he will make captain in three years.
So, the years go by and Jim tries to tap Uhura and become best friends forever with Leonard “Bones” McCoy. It’s during his big exam that he confidently passes that we discover that Spock did in fact get to the Starfleet Academy as he threatened to do and is a big cheese who calls Kirk a cheater and takes him to trial where he gets suspended. Noticing that there is no action yet, the alarms ring out that planet Volcan is experiencing a lighning storm and are being big girl blouses about it and send out a distress signal. In a whir of activity all of the students are sorted into ships and Kirk gets snuck onto the Enterprise by his buddy “Bones” while sporting hilariously large hands.
The storm turns out to be a trap set by the same pissed Romulans from 25 years earlier who can really hold a grudge. Bent on revenge and destruction, the Romulans won’t stop until Spoke pays for what he did to their planet 150 years in the future.
It was a thrill ride, filled with humor and nostalgia. It was a terrific addition to the series showing that Gene Roddenberry’s vision will live forever. The cast selection was nothing shy of genius, each actor was a clone of their predecessor, most memorable were the characters of Spock and “Bones” who gave Leonard Nemoy and DeForest Kelly a real run for their money. If you have not seen this movie, you must see it even if you live under a rock and don’t know what Star Trek is, you are guaranteed to enjoy this film… unless you suck.

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