I had never heard of the Korean urban legend known as "Fan Death" until I made friends with a bonafide Korean. Wow, and I thought Americans were stupid in their fear of East Coast Liberals, but of fans? That just takes the bloody cake.
For anyone not familiar with "Fan Death" it is does exactly what it says on the tin. Death by fan is not well known in the US but apparently in South Korea it is one of the five most causes of death in the summer. A fan does not bring upon the death in the manner befitting a horror movie with Jigsaw, but the it has the ability to defy all laws of science and chop up the oxygen in a closed room thus suffocating anyone enjoying the cool breeze. It is widely accepted in South Korea that this is fact and they have gone so far to prevent death by fan that they have installed timers to shut the fans off before death can occur.
My friend also told me of the warning her mother gave her when she went off to college. She stating that if she is to sleep with a fan, to make sure it oscillates since the direct blow of the fan will inevitably deform her face.
2 important opinions:
i dont know about all those fans in one condo.. i pay enough as it is for electricity....
Someday our science will catch up with Korean superstition.
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