Now neither one of us is into the whole Ren. Faire thing and the lasts time and the only time I went to one was as a Sophomore in High School. But there I had a friend working there this year and what friend would I be if I didn't go and see her in Ren. garb right? You never really know a person until you see then in a cloak that's what I always say.

Will entering the Faire (you have to spell it with an "E" because people in cloaks will hunt you down and "Hazah" you to death)

My Friend's husband who is a portrait artist set up a nice little booth to get patrons. It's his fault the family had to be exposed to chain mail.

My friend Anne of... and her daughter Michaela or Dr. Quinn Medicine woman. Apparently she was so into the Faire, that when it ended she was heart broken. I just hope she gets over it before High School.
Now for some random photos with no comments.

Our knight lost by the way.
1 important opinions:
Stay out of the Woods
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