I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Oct 28, 2005

it slices, it dices

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
To those who don't know me, i'm accident prone. To those who do lnow me, hey... i've done it again. A few years ago I split my thumb open trying to slice a bagel, that only got me one stitch. A few weeks ago I decided to wear some kitten heel shoes to work instead of my regular trainers; needless to say I took an ass dive in the warehouse and everyone knew about it the next day. But Wednesday night at work I was cutting proofs (which I will never do again, and kinda cut my finger right up the middle. You'd think the finger nail would have helped to stop it, but the razor went through it like buttah. Apparently I very nearly severed the tip off and needed an x-ray to determine if I hit the bone or not (I guess I came really close,) If I had chosen to look I'm sure I would've seen the bone, and I've always been curious as to what that looks like. So, much blood, 6 glorious stitches and a removed fingernail I went home, but not without a prescription for Duricef for infection and Percocet for pain. I can say that I am happy for the percocet, not so much for the fact that I nearly cut half of my finger tip off. But now it looks like I'm always having a great idea.

2 important opinions:

Gabs said...

ACKKK! Ow, my finger hurts now. Hope you feel better1

Anonymous said...

Hope it heals well... You're getting love from us here in NM.
