I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Sep 16, 2005

to all the people i never call


It's not 'cause I hate you or anything. I want everyone who knows me and knows my old phone number (or hasn't thrown it away after I moved to Cambridge to be all metropolitan and cooler than you (see article below). I want you all to know that my old number will be disconnected by October 10. I have a new number now and if you call my old moble, the message service will provide you with my new one (this is of course if I don't call you first to inform you) I may be out promoting my new rocker style (again see article below).

I love all of my friends, and the reason I don't call is because I'm too lazy, or I call when the desired person is at happy hour and is a bit too tipsy to remember I've called and can't talk over the loud country music karaoke.

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