I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Apr 8, 2005

Those crazy Germans

Dog Wash
Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
What wacky folk those Germans are. Aside from letting David Hasselhoff serenade everyone on the Berlin Wall in a piano tie and shimmering blazer no less, the great inventors of the Volvo (tank on 4 wheels) have created this little ditty. I think it's a dog wash, from the title on the glass wall I'd say I'm not far from wrong. Now I think I need a detailed diagram to definitively say what this does or how it works, but from I can gather, you simply shove 'ol poochy into the traumatic chamber and blast him with water. As a human, and having a better understanding of things such as showers, thunder and vacuums, this may even scare the crap out of me. And isn't it just in poor taste for the germans to create a chamber to terrorize any kind of creature? Do you get me? But I'm sure Hitler would have never thought to put gas chamber in a fun seventies puffy font letting you know that everything is not as politically incorrect as it may look at first.

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