I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

May 11, 2009

the good, THE BAD, the ugly

I have often been accused of having been raised in a barn, however I fear that I would only be insulted if I was accused of shopping in one. So it leaves me to wonder what the genius behind naming this mecca of mom jeans, stirrup pants and shoulder pads actually was by allowing you to shop in a building named for an area where a horse shits.

Could be worse, they could have opted for their second idea in opening the A Hair in your Sandwich diner.

1 important opinions:

Anonymous said...

What about if they call it "Slacks Shack" or "Pants Pit" or "Moon Over Moo-Moo's" or my favorite.."Spatula City" SPATULA CITY!!!!!