I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Jun 23, 2005

The strike

Italy is known for their stikes. Everyone is on strike, it's amazing that anything ever gets done. The strike is what made me want to leave Italy. Our last day we are dropped off at the airport, finally we are going home... broke. BAM a strike is being set up outside the airport, first we are cheering for them... then we see that our flight is cancelled and I have never wanted a dozen eggs so badly in my life. After being told by Air France (always said in a snooty manner) that they can do nothing for us except give us a new ticket on a totally different airline, in a totally different airport, in a totally different part of Italy, on a totally different day! No, they wouldn't pay for the bus to the train station, from the train station to Milan (3 hours away), from Milan to the bus to the new airport (1 hour away), nor would they cover the hotel cost. What cheesy pricks! I hate you Air France, you unhelpful snooty wankers! So after a full day of traveling in a different country, not knowing the lay of the land or the language we finally got to the airport to make sure Air France didn't mess with us by making up new plane tickets in order to get rid of us and keep our money. Our tickets were real at least, now for the hotel. Turns out that there are only 2 hotels near this airport. We choose the cheaper of the 2 (cheaper in euros that is, in US dollars it's not a cheap hotel) We sweat all night long in a falsly advertised air conditioned hotel and wake up and the butt-crack of dawn. I step outside to see the place we have been dumped (darn you Air France). I wake up to the most beautiful town I have ever seen. It was this rustic, old world farm town. No tourists, no crowds, no constant buzz of the scooters and street vendors, just a peacful dawn on a truely beautiful place. In the distance stands a duomo (church) in the town center, old houses with metal shades and flower boxes. If I would ever go back to Italy, I would learn the language, and stay in this town, Arragio I believe it was called.

Orragio Duomo
Oragio 2

Now for something wacky

Italy is full of stuff I have never seen before. In a meat deli there was a display to draw in the business. This display consisted of stuffed pigs in old world costumes sitting around a table eating a meal consisting of their fellow pig brothers.

Pigs in Florence

Another bit of the wacky are the automobiles. Florence is made up of streets smaller than the width of J.Lo's back side. All roads are one way and are cluttered with tourists, scooters and cars. The only way to survive is to find the smallest car possible. Enter the Smart Car. Now this is perfect! Who really needs an SUV when you can have the space efficiency of the Smart Car. Bigger is not better!

Smart Car

Italy feeds you a lot, a millions courses in a meal. One night out at Il Latini, the meat dish is offered to us. Will jumps at the chance to get rabbit. So we're eating and he shows me his rabbit, he's playing with it's legs making it dance, then he opens thumper up to give me an anatomy lesson. Now, as a vegetarian, I don't know all that much about meat, but aren't you supposed to take the insides outside? There were kidneys still in the ex-fluffy bunny. KIDNEYS, all attached and everything to the rest of it's organs. Dear god, that's just not right, I don't care where you're from!

Seriously, rabbit kidneys

First day in Italy

After a million hour flight in coach where the leg room does not exist, we arrived in Florence Italy. There are a few things about Italy that I was confused by. First It is hot as balls there and you MUST drink water, a lot of water. But do not make the mistake that I first made, and that would be to purchase water with gas. Now, being a silly American, I prefer my water without flatulence.

Water with gas

Well, after the water mistake we took in the gelatos, which is just really good ice cream. Really really good ice cream.

My guys in Florence

Then before we passed out from jet lag we took in a sight or 2. This has to be the only beautiful place in Florence. And wouldn't you know it, I don't know what this place is called.

Florence 1

The first post in a long time

I've been out of the blogging scene, not like what I write people read, but whatever. Well let me start with my first house. My boyfriend and I have moved to Mass. and we are going to be first time homeowners in about a month. So we celebrated in our favorite sandwich shop in Cambridge.

We got a home!